Why do people get turned down for disability claims?

There are many reasons why disability claims may be denied. This blog will discuss the most common reasons that people are denied disability benefits. It also explains how a long-term disability lawyer may be able to help.
Top 6 Reasons Your Disability Claim is Denied
To learn more about disability benefits, you can use the VA Benefits Calculator. These are some reasons your disability benefits might be rejected by the authorities.
The Applicant Doesn’t Have a Qualifying Disability
You must be able to claim disability benefits if you have a “disable condition”. This is a condition that makes it impossible for you to work and lasts at least one year. You can’t claim benefits for yourself if you don’t meet the criteria.
An Applicant can still do some work
If the Social Security Administration (SSA), believes that you are able to do some work despite your disability, you may not be eligible for benefits. The SSA might believe that you are able to do some work if you can stand up for long periods of time and lift 10 pounds regularly.
Disabled for less than one year
You won’t be eligible for disability benefits if you have been disabled for less that a year. To be eligible for benefits, the SSA requires that you have a chronic disabling condition.
Income and assets
When applying for disability benefits, your income and assets will also be considered. You may not be eligible for benefits if your income is too low or you have too much assets.
Criminal Conviction
You may not be eligible to receive disability benefits if you have been convicted for a felony. If your disability is due to criminal activity, you may not be eligible for assistance.
Failure to Follow Treatment Plan
The SSA can deny your claim if you don’t follow the prescribed treatment plan. The SSA might deny your claim if you don’t take the medication prescribed by your doctor.
How do I apply for long-term disability?
Long-term disability applications can be overwhelming and confusing. There are steps you can take to improve your chances of being approved for benefits.
Request a copy of your medical records
You will need a copy of all your medical records before you can apply for long-term disability. This includes any past treatments or tests.
You should request documents from all your doctors. To ensure that the SSA is able to fully understand your condition, include as much detail as you can in your application.
Working with a Professional
Long-term disability applications can be complicated and time-consuming. A professional who is familiar with the process will increase your chances of being approved for benefits. An experienced lawyer who specializes in long-term disability can assist you with gathering the documentation and completing your application. If necessary, they will also help you appeal any denials.
Get the Statement of Workplace
You will need to request a statement from the employer if you are unable to perform essential functions in your job. This will allow the SSA to understand why you are unable to work.
Submit Your Application
Once you have all required documentation, you are able to submit your application online or by mail. Make sure you include as much information as possible to allow the SSA to make an informed decision regarding your claim.
Don’t Give Up if You’re Denied
Don’t lose heart if you are denied long-term disability benefits. Most applications are rejected at first. You can appeal this decision to get the benefits that you deserve.
Remember that you might be eligible for other programs such as Social Security Disability Benefits.
How can a disability lawyer help you?
After being denied disability benefits, you may feel helpless and frustrated. There is help. A skilled disability lawyer can examine your case and help determine the reason for your claim being denied.
A lawyer can help you collect the documentation and evidence you need to appeal the decision. A lawyer can also represent you at the hearing and help ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.
Bottom Line
Although long-term disability applications can be time-consuming and complicated, you should do your best to obtain the benefits you deserve.
Make sure you have all documentation and consult a professional when necessary. Don’t lose heart. You can achieve the result you want with perseverance.
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